Nick ★ 27 ★ They/He

Hi, I'm Nick!
I'm your local friendly vegetarian veterinary technician and Furby collector. I draw funny cartoon animals in my free time!
I'm demipan, transmasc, and polyamorous. My gender is like a complex layered cake with boy-adjacent frosting.I also happen to be Autistic, which just makes me that much more powerful and cool. :o)


Characters that I point to and say "me" every time I see them.


Characters that are very close to my heart!
I tend to collect merchandise of these.


  • You post or consume dubcon / noncon, cub / underage, or zoo content

  • You are a proshipper (see above)

  • You are a Trump supporter

  • You are transmed / truscum, acephobic, intolerant of polyamory, anti xenogenders, etc. I support he/him lesbians and neopronouns.

  • I don't tolerate death jokes about my exotic and farm pets.

  • I strive for my spaces online to be safe and welcoming for all. If you come to my spaces without an ounce of kindness in your heart, you can leave.

  • If you are not approaching me in good faith, I really am just not interested in interacting with you.